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I can't remember how many times I read this comic. the artstyle is horrific(in a good way) and cool at the same time  hipe I can read other chapters too


I had no idea what to expect, but this was great. Youโ€™ve probably heard the comparison too much, but I wish this was what Inglorious Bastards shouldโ€™ve been. This was cathartic.

So much for the tolerant left, indeed.


WOAH OKAY i probably should NOT have read this and i mean that in the best way possible. i'm no stranger to gore, in comics or otherwise, but something about this specifically is getting to me. it's so visceral, so well-made. it feels almost like vent art!
i didn't know this was in the queer games bundle but i scrolled thru the page for it and was like 'huh i recognize that art style WAIT A MINUTE'
anyway 10/10, never going to read this again because now i feel all hollow inside but it was SO worth it!!


wonderful content for people who are into copious + creative gore, fun but meaningful characterizations, and spitting on fascism. the art style and coloring are expertly done, as well as being totally unique. 


When I bought this comic, I only did so because I thought the characters would be cool to see. I was certain I wouldn't like the gore but...well, turns out I do? Seems silly to say but it's all so artistic, done wonderfully. I really enjoy how the characters' personalities come out in how they deal with their victim. There's a shocking amount of humor, glee in what they're doing, but it doesn't feel insane (except on Garv's part). Honestly, I reread this more than I should and I can't wait for the whole thing to be released.


Great story, Great art. Dead Nazis, and it only gets better!


if you like dead nazis like a real red-blooded american you'll like this comic